WinMX TIPS for Jan2002 If you want good stuff you must share good stuff. Improve your shares for better (no boot, no cancel) access. Gurante your connectivity & higher priority. Message me when fixed so you can download what you like. Your download request may be cancelled utill such time. If you want to download better stuff you must share better stuff than mp3's By browsing every user who attempts to download. You can filter out LAMERS who share nothing and only LEECH from you. This will get you better stuff, faster. Click the "Shared Files" folder at the top of your left screen to see what you are sharing. You will get PRIORITY access for having good shares. PRIORITY = 1. Your request gets bumped to the top of the Que. 2. Your files are guaranteed to completion. ====================================================================== Click the HOTLIST button to open the message window. ====================================================================== Here is another trick known only to a select few. The big traders use it to id themselves to each other. Somewhere in your shared folders have some files with this info in the file names, the more file names with this web address in their file name the better ranking & priority to good stuff you will get. Just copy & paste what is inside the quotes into the end of file names " ( " It costs you nothing to try, and if you keep tack of completions you should see increases of 30 - 50% within a month of conciensious tracking. After personaly trying this for the past 3 weeks I've noticed a 10-20% increase. So it does seem to be effective. I also start people who have marked filez faster. Also make sure you only mark those filez that are under 1meg in size, the smaller the file size the better for obvious reasons. __________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤» ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The backdoor to XXX free cams at are still working after 3 months but you have to look around for them as they are not very obvious. Often the server is overloaded and times out which means it is to busy to answer right now. _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ TIP: Your WinMX server is responding poorly or no search results show up when you do a search. 1.A lot of "Timed Out Waiting for server response" Too many filez QUED keep the filez you want in the "Busy Queuable" state untill both parties are ready to exchange filez. 2. The upper left corner of the WinMX main split screen has a button marked "servers" click it here you can stop wait 10 seconds or better and Re-Start. 3. There are 3 different servers and occasionally update each of them by clicking the UPDATE button. This gets you connected to the fresh & active servers that have come online or removes those that have overloaded and "TIMED OUT" <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> TIP: Always mark filez in transfer as "AUTO RETRY" so that the other user can re-start your QUES without your intervention (some folks actually go to bed, work, bathroom, have sex), or generaly have much more of a life than you do. If you are impatient or curse people who don't start your filez when you want or expect them to. You might as well kill yourself or just get lost (you are a LAMER). Patience and waiting in line for your turn will eventually get you what you want. If you want it bad enough you must be willing to camp out for quite a while even a couple of days if you don't have much to share. +^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^++^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+^+ Comments, questions you'd like to see answered in upcomming issues send to... That's all for this month watch out for next months tips. -¥- secrets -¥-(Feb2002)How to download or trade any file you want